Saturday, 26 January 2013

Design Visualization


Our ever first project for Design Visualization. We were required sketch and doodle like your life depends on it. We were given 8 different A5 sketches. The sketches are body figure/nature/object, projection, geometric projection, one point and two point perspective of an area at Taylor's University campus, a city, details in Taylor's University campus and a tracing of a building given by our lecturer.

The following are the sketches of mine for this project:
 a) Body figure
b) Object projection

c) Geometric projection
d) My city 

e) One perspective point of an area at Taylor's University campus
f) Two perspective point of an area in Taylor's University campus

g) Details in TUC
f) Tracing of a building. 

Aim and accomplishment:

The objective of this project is to identify a personal and expressive response to visual stimulation and to apply basic principles and elements of design and drawing as a language to visualize and to communicate ideas. Thus for the learning outcomes are to recognize the potential for creativity, self-expression and visual awareness. Besides that, it is to identify the fundamental principles, elements and techniques in sketching, drawing, design process and presentation skills.

After undergoing this project, I have explored different types of sketching techniques which can be used. From that, my sketching also improve from time to time every time I sketch. I also can visualize better and effectively without needed so much time to draw and erase it like what I used to do. The title for this assignment is sketch like your life depends on it, sometimes sketching is real fun and I was addicted to it. It is something fun which I can doodles things I think into a piece of paper without telling it through my mouth.

[177 words]


This project are divided into two parts: Part A and Part B. For part A, we will have to measure and observe the site given, which is Block C level 9 Taylor's University campus as for my case. While for part B we are required to use the area chosen at the site to illustrate Bubble Diagrams and Diagrammatic Analysis. 

The following are my work for this task. 

The front cover as an introduction. 

Layout plan of site.
Detailed plan of site.

North and south elevation.


Perspective view of site.
Sketched Axonometric.

Axonometric Projection.

Detailed drawing of glass clamp.
Bubble diagram of the site.

Bubble diagram of entire area.

Diagrammatic analysis.

Aim and accomplishment:

The aim of part A is to introduce and guide us to illustrate orthographic drawings and applying basic drawing conventions and representation. While part B aims to introduce and guide us to illustrate bubble and diagrammatic analysis through observation and drawings of site given in part A. Most importantly, the objectives of this project are to apply basic principles and elements of design and drawing as a language to visualize and to communicate ideas. Other than that, its intention is to demonstrate observation and visualization skills in a variety of ways depending on the area of specialization being pursued with an emphasis on the process of drawing. The learning outcomes of this project, I am able to identify the fundamental principles, elements and techniques in sketching, drawing, design process and presentation skills.
Besides that, I am also able to demonstrate observation skills and record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of issues via visual communications effectively. Other than I can manipulate variety of media and techniques to visualize ideas leading to a finish-product.Last but not least, applying drawing as a means of communication in order to express two dimensional and three dimensional ideas.


I feel very lucky that my site is at Block C level 9 which is a lecturer offices and space where student hand in their projects. By that, I can see both lecturers and students culture at my site. The most meaningful lesson I learned in this project observing human traffic, the orientation of sun and many more. 


This project is to introduce us to site investigations and case study at our site which is Block C level 9 Taylor's University campus. This projects is the continuous from the previous project. 

The following are mine and my group members work:

Besides that, we were asked to prepare a case study and idea proposal for our final project.

Aims and accomplishment:

The objectives of this project are to demonstrate observation and visualization skills in variety of ways depending on the area of specialization being pursued with an emphasis on the process of drawing. Besides that, it is to develop confidence to use drawing as a mean of communication to express two dimensional and three dimensional ideas. The learning outcomes of this project are demonstrating observation skills and ability to record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of issues via visual communications effectively. Lastly, the outcome is manipulating variety of media and techniques to visualize ideas leading to a finish-product. 


Among all the projects I have done, this is my most favourite project because I can learn a lot through this project and meeting new people while completing this task. It makes me feel like I am already an architect.


The aim for this project is for undergo design process to help us visualize idea. This project is about wall installation design which we need to proposed one design and install it onto the chosen wall at our site analysis from project two.

The following are photos of my project:
Top view of my model.

Front view of my model.

Perspective view of my model.

My presentation layout board.

During presentation day. 

Aims and accomplishment:

The objective of this project is intended to demonstrate observation and visualization skills in a variety of ways depending on the area of specialization being pursued with an emphasis on the process of drawing. Besides that, it is also to develop confidence to use drawing as a means of communication to express two dimensional and three dimensional ideas. What I benefit from this project are I am able to demonstrate observation skills and be able to record, organize, interpret and describe a variety of issue via visual communications effectively and manipulate variety of media and techniques to visualize ideas leading to a finish-product. 


During the period of this assignment, I have did a lot of research of different to get more ideas. There was a sentence said: architects refer to other architects work is not call copying but is borrowing ideas to create a better ideas. I totally agree to the person who say this. 

1 comment:

  1. 1.There should be one page of introduction of the course and profile of your self.

    2. Original and interesting reflections.. but there's room for improvement.

    3. good annotations and information under the images.

    4. Missing Information about the Journal exercise and compilation plus the Hard copy portfolio.

    5. Lack information about your final project such as why you design it that way.. and why this and that about your layout etc.

